Apreciados socios:
Desde la Academia Europea de Alergia nos llega este correo para que mandemos de forma individual propuestas de temas y ponentes para el congreso de la EAACI de 2014. En el correo más abajo podéis ver el enlace adonde os tenéis que dirigir para dejar vuestras propuestas.
Tenemos de plazo hasta el 5 de diciembre.
Siempre nos andamos quejando de que los alergólogos españoles no tenemos representatividad en los congresos de la EAACI. Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de hacer cuantas más propuestas de ponentes españoles mejor, que los tenemos, y muy buenos! Así que ¡animaos!
Un cordial saludo.
Dr. Pedro Ojeda
Secretario de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica
Mensaje adjunto:
On behalf of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), we have the honour and pleasure to invite you to contribute to the scientific programme of the EAACI Congress 2014 to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 – 11 June 2014.
Please send us your suggestions for topics and scientific or educational sessions, including suggestions for speakers for the respective presentation, for this Congress through the link below before 5 December 2012.
When filling out the form, please consider the following:
- By default each session should include 3 speakers. Note that each speaker in a session must be from a different country.
- Please prioritise topics that have not been present in the last two annual meetings.
- Please try to keep a balance between experienced speakers, but also include junior speakers.
- If possible, try to consider topics that are not only in your field, but other topics that could provide valuable input to our clinical work or research.
Please be assured that your suggestions will be diligently considered by the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) which will work hard to prioritise all your suggestions into a competitive scientific programme for which the SPC is ultimately responsible.
It would greatly facilitate any decisions if you could kindly back up your suggestions with some scientific information (such as recent publications in the field by the suggested speaker, relevance to the audience, the field, et cetera).
Submit your proposal on-line here!
If you have any questions about the on-line proposal submission, please don’t hesitate to contact the Congress secretariat at: eaaci2014scientific@congrex.com
We look forward to receiving your proposals.
Yours sincerely,
Cezmi Akdis EAACI President . |
J. Christian Virchow EAACI Vice President Congresses |
Lars K. Poulsen Local Organising Committee Chair |
Marek Jutel Scientific Programme Committee Co-ordinator |